Director's Welcome

Introducing the Center for Climate Change and Sustainability Studies

The Centre for Climate Change and Sustainability Studies (C3SS) at the University of Ghana, under the College of Basic and Applied Science has gradually become a key research  and learning hub in Ghana and across the African sub-region.

C3SS boasts of a multidisciplinary faculty dedicated to teaching and research, who are committed to training and capacity-building in climate change and sustainable development. Our core research area explore climate change issues in: 
Economics, Biodiversity, Health, Food Security, Sustainable Resource Management (including Water Resource Management), Green Economy, Environment and Renewable Energy. 
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Our Research

C3SS works towards organizing and promoting interdisciplinary research on the climate change and sustainability (nature, causes and impact of environmental change) and to contribute to the development of sustainable and resilience strategies for coping... Read more

A defining component of our programmes is our dedication and commitment to experiential and participatory learning processes. We combine theoretical classroom-based learning with field-based learning experiences that facilitate students’ abilities to... Read more

Our programmes are designed to meet students’ strengths and interests while giving the best learning experiences to inform specialization desires. The diversity of interdisciplinary courses ultimately equips students to know, understand and acquire the... Read more

News & Upcoming Events

 A Report On An Educational Visit To The West African Secondary School(Wass) By The National Service Personnels Of The Univeristy Of Ghana, Centre For Climate Change And Sustainability Studies On The 6th Of June 2024

C3SS held a seminar series in partnership with the Okyeame Kwame (OK) Foundation on November 24, 2023 and marked a significant step in integrating creative arts into climate literacy.

A Compilation of Afrodescendant Wisdom By Professor Harold McDougall